Sean Oliver FAQ


This is a collection of questions I, Sean Oliver, frequently receive.

If you’re searching for Sean Oliver you probably want to know a bit about him. So here you go, a Sean Oliver FAQ.

Q: What kind of music do you like?

A: Classical, rap, electronica, rock.

Q: What sports do you watch?

A : Man. None now. Used to be the NFL but I’m struggling with the traumatic brain injury pattern.

Q: What is the best tool for ____?

A: Google it, try one, see how it works for you.

Q: Is Sean Oliver an Introvert or Extrovert? What’s his personality type?

A: Introvert. INTJ

Q: Sean, what’s the worst compliment you’ve received?

A: You’re so articulate.

Q: Why do you look so great for your age Sean Oliver?

A: Sunscreen & staying hydrated.

Q: Sean Oliver, how do you like working for Microsoft?

A: My coworkers are amazing. It’s one of the most valuable tech companies. I get to see the impact made.

Q: What is Sean Oliver’s spirit animal?

A: Panda.

Q: How does Sean Oliver know so much?

A: I read, write, and listen to podcasts.

Q: How do you get your teeth so white?

A: Sean Oliver drinks minimal coffee & tea.

Q: Why waste time trying to maximize the experience of living versus actually just living?

A: I don’t accept such a narrow view of life that the two are mutually exclusive. People are different. I’m a fan of better. I also get that it’s driven by MY own personal experience of this thing called life.

If the act of maximizing that experience isn’t your thing, then you probably aren’t reading this, because come on, who NEEDS internet to live, right? I’ll let you get back to the high horse-driven buggy you rode in on.

Q: Sean, why do you think so much?

A: Because I’m exposed to people that don’t. It’s like a zombie horde of idiots. I seek an asymmetrical advantage through intelligence. So, I strive to think ahead.

Hopefully, that answers your top-of-mind questions about Sean Oliver.