Work relationships are best when you know these 3 actions

I believe work relationships would improve if we all focused on three key actions. My worst work relationship experiences were at the hands of, “random number generators.” These are the people that you have no idea what they will do in any situation. They would, in role-playing game terms, fall on the spectrum of chaotic [...]

3 Ways to Audit Your Network

Fail to audit your network and you’re neglecting a key responsibility on the care and maintenance of your relationships. If you’ve done the work to build a professional network, periodically you will want to audit your network. It’s sad but true, not everyone in your circle is actually a fan of yours. How can you [...]

The secret lever to unlock networking opportunities at work

Do you want to be overlooked in the workplace? Make sure you are by focusing only on working hard and letting your results speak for themselves. It’s critical to be aware of the impact of your work and how other people view your work. It’s important to know other people view you. It’s key to [...]

How do I stay on track with my goals?

Hey folks, I just wanted to answer a question that I get often. How do I stay on track with my goals? Sean There’s stuff that I want to get, there’s results that I want to get in life. How do I make sure I lock that stuff down. Super simple. Have a really, really [...]

What Yelp reviews can teach you about quality feedback

Hey you, what’s up? I was having a conversation at work today and I’m leaving a note here. What Rotten Tomatoes and Yelp can teach you about quality feedback in the workplace. A friend of mine that I was sharing with has been struggling with a bit of doubt and second guessing himself at work. [...]